Por Lorraine L.Janeczko
Discovery of new pathway connected to type 2 diabetes
Scientists at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute have discovered a cellular pathway that is responsible for keeping blood sugar levels low in obese or pre-diabetic people, and may prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes. The discovery is published this month in a leading journal Nature Cell Biology.
Diabetes, high blood pressure in middle age linked to brain damage
Past studies have linked diabetes to increased risk of cognitive decline. Now, new research suggests that people who develop diabetes and high blood pressure in middle age may be at higher risk of brain cell loss and memory and thinking problems, compared with those who do not have either condition or develop them later in life.The research team, including Rosebud O.
La diabetes gestacional puede elevar el riesgo de que la mujer sufra una enfermedad cardiaca
EP La diabetes gestacional puede ser factor de riesgo de aterosclerosis temprana. El grosor de la arteria carótida predice un ataque cardiaco y los científicos detectaron un espesor medio mayor en quienes presentaban diabetes gestacional. La diabetes gestacional se desarrolla sólo durante el embarazo y generalmente desaparece después de la gestación. Esta diabetes ocasional aumenta el riesgo de …
Sweetener from tequila plant may be ideal for diabetics – helps reduce blood sugar, weight
A sweetener created from the plant used to make tequila could lower blood glucose levels for the 26 million Americans and others worldwide who have type 2 diabetes and help them and the obese lose weight, researchers said here today.
Older age at onset of type 1 diabetes associated with lower brain connectivity later in life
Children and adolescents older than age 8 at the onset of type 1 diabetes had weaker brain connectivity when tested later in life relative to those who had earlier ages of diagnosis, University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences researchers discovered.
La diabetes gestacional puede elevar el riesgo de que la mujer sufra una enfermedad cardiaca
EP La diabetes gestacional puede ser factor de riesgo de aterosclerosis temprana. El grosor de la arteria carótida predice un ataque cardiaco y los científicos detectaron un espesor medio mayor en quienes presentaban diabetes gestacional. La diabetes gestacional se desarrolla sólo durante el embarazo y generalmente desaparece después de la gestación. Esta diabetes ocasional aumenta el riesgo de …
Prenatal growth could play key role in South Asians’ predisposition to non-communicable diseases
A new study in mothers and children of Pakistani origin suggests non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes could be programmed prior to birth.
Gut microbiota networks may influence autoimmune processes in type 1 diabetes
The interactions of the gut microbiota in children with typical diabetes autoantibodies differ from that in healthy children. The fact that these differences already exist before antibodies are detectable in the blood adds to the growing evidence that microbial DNA, the so-called microbiome, may be involved in the development of autoimmune processes.
Una mayor edad de inicio de los síntomas de la diabetes tipo 1, asociada a una conectividad cerebral menor
Los niños y adolescentes mayores de 8 años al inicio de la diabetes tipo 1 tienen una conectividad cerebral más débil más adelante en la vida con respecto a los que eran más jóvenes en el momento del diagnóstico, según han descubierto investigadores de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Pittsburgh (Pitt), en Pensilvania, Estados Unidos.