Global health research and training efforts should focus on combatting the growing epidemic of noncommunicable diseases, better incorporating information technology into research and training, and…
Dangerous overnight blood sugar levels cause surprisingly irregular heart rhythms in diabetics
The findings from the research – led by Professor Simon Heller of the University of Sheffield’s Department of Human Metabolism and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – could offer…
Almonds examined for effects on diet quality, appetite, adiposity and cardiovascular disease risk factors
Six new almond-related research studies were presented in San Diego at the American Society of Nutrition (ASN)’s Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting, held in conjunction with Experimental Biology…
Diabetes: Crean células productoras de insulina
NUEVA YORK (AP) — En un avance potencial hacia nuevos tratamientos contra la diabetes, los científicos utilizaron una técnica de clonación para crear células productoras de insulina a partir del ADN de una mujer diabética.
Protein crucial for development of biological rhythms identified in mice
Johns Hopkins researchers report that they have identified a protein essential to the formation of the tiny brain region in mice that coordinates sleep-wake cycles and other so-called circadian…
Testosterone deficiency can be identified with new screening questionnaire
Men whose testosterone falls below normal levels are more likely to have erectile dysfunction and to be overweight and have heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Dos tazas de café al día reducen el riesgo de diabetes tipo 2
Beber más café diariamente puede reducir el riesgo de diabetes tipo 2. Un estudio de la Escuela de Harvard de Salud Pública ha visto que las personas que aumentaron la cantidad de café que bebían todos los días en más de una taza durante un período de cuatro años tenían un riesgo un 11% más bajo de padecer diabetes tipo 2 que aquellos que no realizaron cambiosen su consumo de café.
Increased coffee consumption may reduce risk of type 2 diabetes
Coffee has been linked to various health benefits, including reduced risk of womb cancer and liver cancer. Now, research suggests coffee may lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
Weight loss and reduced medication use achieved in community-based program to aid diabetes management
Weight loss and control of blood sugar can reduce the risk of complications in patients with diabetes but this is difficult for many to achieve.
Dos tazas de café al día reducen el riesgo de diabetes tipo 2
Beber más café diariamente puede reducir el riesgo de diabetes tipo 2. Un estudio de la Escuela de Harvard de Salud Pública ha visto que las personas que aumentaron la cantidad de café que bebían todos los días en más de una taza durante un período de cuatro años tenían un riesgo un 11% más bajo de padecer diabetes tipo 2 que aquellos que no realizaron cambiosen su consumo de café.